Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Google Play Games App Overview

Last Wednesday, Google released the Google Play Games App.  According to Google:  "[it's] is the easiest way for you to discover new games, track achievements and scores, and play with friends around the world."

What I really enjoy about the app is the ability to easily see all of the games that I currently have installed that include the Game Play Services.  Previously you basically had to just look at the developer's release notes to find out if they had incorporated Game Services.

Furthermore, the release of this app is definitely an opportunity for developers who may have been sitting on the fence on whether they should give the Game Services a try.  You essentially get free exposure for your game by integrating with Google's service.  This could also really drive engagement, as each game the user plays is displayed prominently with a badge showing the current number of achievements they have won.

The interface is very simple and clean.  You have several pathways to discovering new games and new people for your Google+ circles.  Have you downloaded the new Google Play Games app yet?  What are your first impressions? Leave comments below.