Friday, July 13, 2012

This Week @Sivart Tech: July 13, 2012

It's been a while since we've done a "This Week..." post, but we have been very busy recently; especially this week and wanted to share.  Happily we announce the release of our newest application, Budding Baby, which is available for FREE on both the Google Play Store and the Amazon Market!

Budding Baby's Description:
Keep track of your baby's growth and developmental milestones for the first 24 months of their lives. Budding Baby provides a month-by-month list of baby's milestones and fun ideas that you can do to interact with your baby.

Receive a monthly notification to stay up-to-date with what your baby can do now.

Interact with other parents using the Budding Baby Comments feature. Via Twitter you can share ideas of games and activities that you and your baby can enjoy.

Please download it and give it a try! Please leave any comments below, we always welcome feedback.  Thanks.