AdMob Revenue
During September we made ~$11 from the AdMob ads that run in the free version of our game. For the month of October we made about ~$16, so we made about 5 more bucks. Impressive? Not really to us...
Word Crank Page Views
Our Word Crank page was another key aspect of our campaign, as it was the URL that w
Number of People Playing
Our reputation has been the clear winner for us. Doing this campaign has increased our visibility and really given us tons of credibility with our friends and co-workers. Improved reputation can be a very strategic tool for any small company. Before doing the campaign our friends and family were our biggest fans, but once they heard the commercials on the radio they began to create more buzz and do even more word-of-mouth marketing for us. Read my post here about why word-of-mouth marketing is so powerful.
Overall, we are happy with the results. We would have loved to get a bit more "bang for our buck", but we can always do it again. Final words of advice to others who may be starting out and considering marketing opportunities, radio is not the best place to start out. We were able to see comparable gains advertising via AdMob.
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